This is a complete list of all my publications, reports, and presentations. For some publication statistics, please see my author profile on

Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

  1. M. Firmbach, I. Steinbrecher, A. Popp, M. Mayr: An approximate block factorization preconditioner for mixed-dimensional beam-solid interaction, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 431:117256, 2024, DOI (Open Access), arXiv
  2. M. Frank, F. Holzberger, M. Horvat, J. Kirschke, M. Mayr, M. Muhr, N. Nebulishvili, A. Popp, J. Schwarting, B. Wohlmuth: Numerical simulation of endovascular treatment options for cerebral aneurysms, GAMM-Mitteilungen, published online ahdead of print, e202370007, 2024, DOI (Open Access), arXiv
  3. N. Hagmeyer, M. Mayr, A. Popp: A fully coupled regularized mortar-type finite element approach for embedding one-dimensional fibers into three-dimensional fluid flow, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 125(8):e7435, 2024, DOI (Open Access), arXiv
  4. M. Mayr, A. Popp: Scalable computational kernels for mortar finite element methods, Engineering with Computers, 39:3691–3720, 2023, DOI (Open Access), arXiv
  5. M. Mayr, L. Berger-Vergiat, P. Ohm, R. S. Tuminaro: Non-invasive multigrid for semi-structured grids, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 44(4):A2734–A2764, 2022, DOI, arXiv
  6. N. Hagmeyer, M. Mayr, I. Steinbrecher, A. Popp: One-way coupled fluid-beam interaction: Capturing the effect of embedded slender bodies on global fluid flow and vice versa, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 9:9, 2022, DOI (Open Access), arXiv
  7. T. A. Wiesner, M. Mayr, A. Popp, M. W. Gee, W. A. Wall: Algebraic multigrid methods for saddle point systems arising from mortar contact formulations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(15):3749-3779, 2021, DOI (Open Access), arXiv
  8. I. Steinbrecher, M. Mayr, M. J. Grill, J. Kremheller, C. A. Meier, A. Popp: A mortar-type finite element approach for embedding 1D beams into 3D solid volumes, Computational Mechanics, 66(6):1377-1398, 2020, DOI (Open Access), arXiv
  9. M. Mayr, M. H. Noll, M. W. Gee: A hybrid interface preconditioner for monolithic fluid-structure interaction solvers, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 7:15, 2020, DOI (Open Access)
  10. J. Bonari, M. R. Marulli, N. Hagmeyer, M. Mayr, A. Popp, M. Paggi: A multi-scale FEM-BEM formulation for contact mechanics between rough surfaces, Computational Mechanics, 65(3):731-749, 2020, DOI, arXiv
  11. M. Mayr, W. A. Wall, M. W. Gee: Adaptive time stepping for fluid-structure interaction solvers, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 141:55-69, 2018, DOI
  12. M. P. Thon, A. Hemmler, A. Glinzer, M. Mayr, M. Wildgruber, A. Zernecke-Madsen, M. W. Gee: A multiphysics approach for modeling early atherosclerosis, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 17(3):617-644, 2018, DOI
  13. M. Mayr, T. Klöppel, W. A. Wal, M. Gee: A Temporal Consistent Monolithic Approach to Fluid-Structure Interaction Enabling Single Field Predictors, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 37(1):B30-B59, 2015, DOI, arXiv

Conference Proceedings and Book Contributions (with Peer-Review)

  1. C. Steimer, M. Mayr, A. Popp: Targeting a faster time-to-solution of mortar based contact problems, In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, e202300157, 2023, DOI (Open Access)
  2. M. Firmbach, I. Steinbrecher, A. Popp, M. Mayr: Computational challenges in mixed-dimensional beam/solid coupling, In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 23(1):e202200227, 2023, DOI (Open Access)
  3. N. Hagmeyer, M. Mayr, A. Popp: Fluid-structure interaction of slender continua with 3-dimensional flow: An embedded finite element approach, In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 20(1):e202000244, 2021, DOI (Open Access)
  4. M. Mayr, A. Popp: Dynamic load balancing for large-scale mortar contact formulations, In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 20(1):e202000196, 2021, DOI (Open Access)
  5. M. Mayr, A. Popp: Solving computational contact problems efficiently at large scale, In: Proceedings of the 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, T. Gleim, S. Lange (Eds.), Kassel University Press, Germany, 2019
  6. N. Hagmeyer, M. Mayr, A. Popp: A weak Dirichlet-Neumann partitioned algorithm for 1-dimensional structures embedded in a 3-dimensional fluid, In: Proceedings of the 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, T. Gleim, S. Lange (Eds.), Kassel University Press, Germany, 2019
  7. J. Bonari, M. R. Marulli, N. Hagmeyer, M. Mayr, A. Popp , M. Paggi: An interface element formulation for frictionless normal contact between rough surfaces, In: Proceedings of the 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, T. Gleim, S. Lange (Eds.), Kassel University Press, Germany, 2019

Other Articles, Reports and Book Contributions

  1. J. A. Duffek, I. Bechelaoui, W. G. Leinen, H. Preuss, S. Schluhmbohn, Y. Schumann, F. Dethoff, S. Kessler, M. Rathmann, J. Kleinschmidt, A. Kolling, S. Schmidt-Lauff, M. Stiemer, M. Mayr, P. Neumann: an evaluation of short-term performance engineering projects, In:äge der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg: Forschungsaktivitäten im Zentrum für Digitalisierungs- und Technologieforschung der Bundeswehr, 2:223-228, 2024, DOI (Open Access)
  2. L. Berger-Vergiat, C. A. Glusa, G. Harper, J. J. Hu, M. Mayr, A. Prokopenko, C. M. Siefert, R. S. Tuminaro, T. A. Wiesner: MueLu User’s Guide, Technical Report, Sandia National Laboratories, SAND2023-12265, 2023
  3. P. Neumann, J. A. Duffek, J. Kleinschmidt, W. G. Leinen, M. Breuer, S. Schmidt-Lauff, A. Fink, M. Mayr, M. Firmbach, A. Popp, A. Auwetter: A Supercomputer with Competence Platform for the Universities of the Federal Armed Forces, In:äge der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg: Forschungsaktivitäten im Zentrum für Digitalisierungs- und Technologieforschung der Bundeswehr, 1:305-310, 2022, DOI (Open Access)
  4. M. Mayr, T. A. Wiesner, M. W. Gee, A. Prokopenko, J. J. Hu: The MueLu Tutorial, 2022
  5. L. Berger-Vergiat, C. A. Glusa, J. J. Hu, M. Mayr, A. Prokopenko, C. M. Siefert, R. S. Tuminaro, T. A. Wiesner: MueLu User’s Guide, Technical Report, Sandia National Laboratories, SAND2019-0537, 2019


  1. M. Mayr: A Monolithic Solver for Fluid-Structure Interaction with Adaptive Time Stepping and a Hybrid Preconditioner, PhD Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich, 2016
  2. M. Mayr: Different sliding laws on embedded interfaces using Lagrange multipliers, penalty method and Nitsche’s method, Diploma Thesis, Duke University & Technical University of Munich, 2010

Lecture Notes

  1. M. Mayr, M. Brünig: Baumechanik 3 - Dynamics, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, 2023
  2. M. Mayr, G. Loera: Nonlinear Finite Elements, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, 5th edition, 2023
  3. M. Mayr, M. von Danwitz: Modelling of Uncertainty and Data, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, 3rd edition, 2022
  4. M. Mayr: Introduction to Finite Element Methods (FEM), 5th edition, 2022
  5. M. Mayr, T. T. Kochmann: Modelling of Uncertainty and Data, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, 2nd edition, 2021
  6. M. Mayr: Modelling of Uncertainty and Data, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, 1st edition, 2020
  7. M. Mayr, M. W. Gee: Engineering Mechanics 1 – Statics & Elastostatics, Technical University of Munich, 2nd edition, 2011
  8. M. Mayr, M. W. Gee: Engineering Mechanics 2 – Dynamics, Technical University of Munich, 1st edition, 2011
  9. M. Mayr, C. A. Meier, M. W. Gee: Engineering Mechanics 1 – Statics & Elastostatics, Technical University of Munich, 1st edition, 2010

International Conference Contributions with Abstract

This list only includes talks that I have given myself. Co-authored talks presented by collaborators are not listed here.

  1. Mayr M, Hagmeyer N, Popp A: Two-way coupling in mixed-dimensional fluid/beam interaction, 10th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Chania/Crete, Greece, June 5 - 7, 2023
  2. Mayr M, Berger-Vergiat L, Ohm P, Tuminaro RS: Using structured multigrid methods in unstructured FEM solvers, 34th Chemnitz FE Symposium, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, September 15 - 17, 2022
  3. Hagmeyer N, Mayr M, Popp A: Two-way coupling of slender beams with incompressible fluid flow, 9th GACM Colloqium on Computational Mechanics 2022, Essen, Germany, September 21 - 23, 2022
  4. Mayr M, Berger-Vergiat L, Ohm P, Tuminaro RS: An algebraic multigrid method for partially structured grids, 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Aachen, Germany, August 15 - 19, 2022
  5. Mayr M, Steimer C, Popp A: Dynamic load balancing for contact mechanics at large scale, 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2022) & 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2022), Yokohama, Japan, July 31 - August 5, 2022
  6. M. Mayr, L. Berger-Vergiat, P. Ohm, R. S. Tuminaro: Reducing Communication in Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Partially Structured Grids, VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC2021), Valencia, Spain, July 7 - 9, 2021 (Invited Presentation) [Virtual Conference]
  7. M. Mayr, T. A. Wiesner, A. Popp: Multilevel block preconditioning for mortar contact formulations, 9th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Chia Laguna/Sardinia, Italy, June 13 - 16, 2021 (Invited Presentation) [Virtual Conference]
  8. M. Mayr, T. A. Wiesner, A. Popp: An algebraic multigrid method for mortar contact problems in saddle-point formulation, 20th Copper Mountain Conference On Multigrid Methods, Copper Mountain, CO, March 24 - April 2, 2021 (Contributed Presentation) [Virtual Conference]
  9. M. Mayr, A. Popp: Dynamic load balancing for large-scale mortar contact formulations, 91st GAMM Annual Meeting, Kassel, Germany, March 15 - 19, 2021 (Invited Presentation) [Virtual Conference]
  10. M. Mayr, A. Popp: Multilevel saddle point preconditioners for mortar contact problems, 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) & ECCOMAS Congress 2020, Paris, France, January 11 - 25, 2021, Video (Contributed Presentation) [Virtual Conference]
  11. M. Mayr, A. Popp: Dynamic load balancing for large-scale mortar contact formulations, 91st GAMM Annual Meeting, Kassel, Germany, March 16 - 20, 2020 (Invited Presentation) [Conference has been postponed to 2021.]
  12. M. Mayr, A. Popp: Solving computational contact problems efficiently at large scale, 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Kassel, Germany, August 28 - 30, 2019 (Invited Presentation)
  13. M. Mayr, L. Berger-Vergiat, P. Ohm, R. S. Tuminaro: Multigrid methods for hybrid structured / unstructured grids, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019), Valencia, Spain, July 15 - 19, 2019 (Invited Presentation)
  14. M. Mayr, M. W. Gee: Improving the efficiency of monolithic fluid-structure interaction solvers, 8th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Sitges/Barcelona, Spain, June 3 - 5, 2019 (Invited Presentation)
  15. M. Mayr, M. Lupo Pasini, L. Berger-Vergiat, R. S. Tuminaro: A non-invasive matrix-based multigrid scheme for partially structured grids, 15th Copper Mountain Conference On Iterative Methods, Copper Mountain, CO, March 25 - 30, 2018 (Invited Presentation)
  16. M. Mayr, E. C. Cyr, J. N. Shadid, R. P. Pawlowski, T. M. Wildey, G. Scovazzi, X. Zeng, E. G. Phillips, S. Conde: Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) Time Integration for Multi-Physics: Application to ALE-based CFD Simulations, 7th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Rhodes Island, Greece, June 12 - 14, 2017 (Invited Presentation)
  17. M. Mayr, M. W. Gee: Enhancing the Efficiency and Robustness of Monolithic Fuid-Structure Interaction Solvers, ECCOMAS 2016 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete, Greece, June 5 - 10, 2016 (Contributed Presentation)
  18. M. Mayr, W. A. Wall, M. W. Gee: Enhancing the Efficiency and Robustness of Monolithic Fuid-Structure Interaction Solvers, 13th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Diego, USA, July 26 - 30, 2015 (Invited Presentation)
  19. M. Mayr, W. A. Wall, M. W. Gee: An adaptive time-stepping procedure for monolithic fluid-structure interaction solvers, 3rd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference \& 6th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Aachen, Germany, July 20 - 23, 2015 (Contributed Presentation)
  20. M. Mayr, W. A. Wall, M. W. Gee: An adaptive time stepping procedure for monolithic fluid-structure interaction solvers, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, July 21 - 25, 2014 (Contributed Presentation)
  21. M. Mayr, M. W. Gee: On efficient and temporal consistent time integration procedures for monolithic fluid-structure interaction solvers, 8th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications, Lugano, Switzerland, July 02 - 04, 2014 (Invited Presentation)
  22. M. Mayr, T. Klöppel, W. A. Wall, M. W. Gee: A temporal consistent monolithic approach to fluid-structure interaction, 5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, September 30 - Oktober 2, 2013 (Contributed Presentation)
  23. M. Mayr, T. Klöppel, W. A. Wall, M. W. Gee: A temporal consistent monolithic approach to fluid-structure interaction enabling field specific predictors, 5th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Ibiza, Spain, June 17 - 19, 2013 (Invited Presentation)
  24. M. Mayr, W. A. Wall, M. Hautefeuille, J. E. Dolbow, T. A. Laursen: A XFEM-based approach to plasticity at grain boundaries in poly-crystalline materials using Nitsche’s method, 4th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Dresden, Germany, August 31 - September 2, 2011 (Contributed Presentation)

Poster Presentations with Abstract

  1. R. S. Tuminaro, J. J. Hu, C. Siefert, L. Berger-Vergiat, M. Mayr: Leveraging Problem Structure within Multilevel Solvers to Improve Robustness & Performance on Advanced Architectures, US Department of Energy ASCR Applied Mathematics Principal Investigators’ Meeting, Rockville, MD, September 11 - 12, 2017
  2. M. Mayr, M. W. Gee: Efficiency of monolithic solvers for incompressible fluid-structure interaction problems, Topical Workshop “Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Problems and Their Applications”, ICERM at Brown University, Providence, RI, USA, August 31 - September 04, 2015
  3. M. Mayr, T. Klöppel, W. A. Wall, M. W. Gee: A temporal consistent monolithic approach to fluid-structure interaction enabling single field predictors, 5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, September 30 - Oktober 2, 2013

Other Invited Presentations

  1. R. Shaw, I. Steinbrecher, M. Mayr, A. Popp: A coupled FEM/BEM solver for contact of rough surfaces, 2nd GACM/GIMC Workshop on Common Research Interests in Computational Mechanics, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany, Sept 14 - 15, 2023
  2. M. Firmbach, A. Popp, M. Mayr: Sustainable development of multi-level block preconditioners in Trilinos/MueLu, Seminar Series “Computation & Data”, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, November 9, 2022
  3. M. Mayr: Algebraic multigrid block preconditioning for mixed-dimensional fiber/solid coupling, SIMULA Workshop on Computational Mechanics Models on Domains of Heterogeneous Dimensionality, Split, Croatia, October 5 - 7, 2022
  4. M. Mayr: Iterative solvers and preconditioners for linear systems, IMCS Seminar, Munich, Germany, May 21, 2021
  5. M. Mayr, T. A. Wiesner, A. Popp: Multilevel block preconditioners for mortar contact problems in saddle-point formulation, GAMM CSE Workshop, Online Workshop, January 22, 2021
  6. M. Mayr: Introduction to Doxygen, Technical Group Meeting, Garching, Germany, September 5, 2019
  7. M. Mayr: Using Trilinos/MueLu for Scalable Multigrid Preconditioning, European Trilinos User Group Meeting, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 11, 2019
  8. M. Mayr: Introduction to Elasticity, Quantitative Modelling & Analysis Seminar, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, July 26, 2017
  9. M. Mayr, E. C. Cyr, J. N. Shadid, R. P. Pawlowski, T. M. Wildey, G. Scovazzi, X. Zeng, E. G. Phillips, S. Conde: Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) Time Integration for CFD & Multi-Physics Problems, Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group Seminar, Garching, Germany, June 9, 2017
  10. M. Mayr, M. W. Gee: A Finite-Element-Based Monolithic Solver for Fluid-Structure Interaction with a Novel Hybrid Schwarz Preconditioner, Quantitative Modelling & Analysis Seminar, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, May 23, 2017
  11. M. Mayr: A Finite-Element-Based Monolithic Solver for Fluid-Structure Interaction with a Novel Hybrid Schwarz Preconditioner, Robert J. Melosh Competition, Duke University, Durham, NC, April 28, 2017
  12. M. Mayr: ALE-based monolithic FSI in Baci: Implementation and technical details, Computational Mechanics Group Meeting, Garching, Germany, January 17, 2017
  13. M. Mayr: A Monolithic Solver for Fluid-Structure Interaction with Adaptive Time Stepping and a Hybrid preconditioner, Mechanics \& High Performance Computing Group Seminar, Garching, Germany, December 15, 2016
  14. M. Mayr: Monolithic Solvers for Incompressible Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems, LaCaN Seminar, Laboratori de Calcul Numeric, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, May 9, 2016
  15. M. Mayr: Monolithic Solvers for Incompressible Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems, CCR Seminar, Computational Science Research Institute, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA, April 26, 2016
  16. M. Mayr: An Introduction to Modern Code Design for Multi-Physics Applications using Trilinos, Mechanics \& High Performance Computing Group Seminar, Garching, Germany, October 20, 2015
  17. M. Mayr, W. A. Wall, M. W. Gee: Monolithic Solvers for Incompressible Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems, CCR Seminar, Computational Science Research Institute, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA, October 1, 2015
  18. M. Mayr: An adaptive time stepping procedure for monolithic fluid-structure interaction solvers, Computational Mechanics Group Meeting, Garching, Germany, July 31, 2014
  19. M. Mayr: A monolithic FSI scheme enabling non-matching grids, field specific time integrators and predictors, Computational Mechanics Group Meeting, Garching, Germany, March 12, 2013
  20. M. Mayr: Different Sliding Laws on Embedded Interfaces using Lagrange Multipliers, Penalty Method and Nitsche’s Method, Computational Mechanics Group Meeting, Garching, Germany, September 29, 2010
  21. M. Mayr: Different Sliding Laws on Embedded Interfaces using Lagrange Multipliers, Penalty Method and Nitsche’s Method, Duke Computational Mechanics Lab Group Meeting, Durham, NC, September 17, 2010